Four years ago I found myself picking up a camera and letting it take me on daily walks.  These creative roamings produced 30,000 photographs that gave rise to

I live by the Pacific’s edge in a small Southern California village known as Bird Rock—part of San Diego County. Every day Jesus sends His sunshine to light my path as He guides me through my local ocean-side neighborhood, leading me to each place where His illuminations sound like a voice saying: “Here! Look! Frame what I reveal to you! Give voice to My light!”

The images I see speak instantly to me as I take them, always directed to those singular individuals who need to hear how worthy they are when they are taken out of their context and highlighted as beautiful. I believe that this singular beauty is how the Lord speaks to us so that we may see His glory.

When I shoot a Sunflower it can be right next to a dumpster, and as I am cropping the scene, behold--a new brilliant reality emerges! The Lord sees us too in the same way: in the midst of our often ugly, frenzied, muddied, and noisy world, we are framed by His joy over us as beautiful, settled, clean, and peaceful. Framing is the work of the Creator, and as a photographer and writer I am privileged to revel in the work of the Artist.

I think of my pictures as a stirring to move the heart, as the image and the words meet in a flashpoint of light. I want to invite you into what I feel when voice and light meet to create meaning that is alive to the presence of Jesus.

My pictures are taken from holy romps and peaceful strolls, in which I am wonderfully alert to every well-lit angle that the Lord presents to me.

If each image and meditation tells you that your extraordinary life must be witnessed as lovely, I will sigh each night upon my pillow with a prayer of happy completion.

From a grateful heart I thank you for just who you are and how you are made—within His framing!

(You can contact me at: , also Debbie Conley Foreman on facebook for many more of my daily photographs, and on Twitter @debbieforeman)