A Red Letter Welcome

The words-in-red are how we refer to Jesus’ own words in the Gospels. I think of them as residing in my Bible, but also as written on my heart by the Holy Spirit, and as love notes posted all around—illuminated even in the treetops.

If I can’t find a specific note, this is always far greater than imaginable for any moment: “ The Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit that we are children of God,” (Romans 8:16). I can take this to my heart as an intimate message to me at any time. A child of God is cherished, encouraged, and defended in all conditions. He has written in the scarlet-thread of the blood of Jesus these very exhortations uniquely to each of His own children. They are not generic, but singular to your precious heart! And the opening always addresses you lovingly by name and the closing always reads: Your Loving Father—in the most gorgeous script pouring from an open heaven.

The image of a red-letter mailbox, with messages ready to be dropped-in is how my neighborhood looks as I walk afield. The smile of a neighbor who warmly likes the regularity of my route, the Creator’s design in His tree-bouquets, the rhythm of His heart as I hear the pounding Pacific blocks away, the creatures who seem to praise Him so naturally, and the reliable Truth that no one else fully refreshes my condition like a walk with the Savior. These are notes deposited in that red box, addressed just to me, and sealed with the red wax of the Holy Dove’s image.

I run to open the latch and a heavenly fragrance wafts from the mailbox. Is it the scent of the bouquets overhead?  Surely, they are a great accompaniment, but it is really the “oil of gladness” that exudes from the holy place. Getting a hand-written letter is such a delight. When the Heart of Grace writes it a new understanding—of never being alone, of never being rejected, of always having His limitless resources, abounds over a soul at peril to the world’s attempt at breaking a heart.

This letter is the kind that people call a keeper, but it really comes with the purpose of keeping us—of preserving us to an overflow of love that gives Him the glory as we minister His love in places of deep harshness.

Will you walk to pick-up the mail with me today?