A Steady Eye


There are times when the light, during any time of the day, can astound me as it illuminates Scripture. Let me show you the verse that this sunset image flickered at me asking for illustration: "The Lord is in His holy temple; the Lord's throne is in heaven; His eyes behold, His eyelids test the sons of men." (Psalm 11:4)

When I saw this eye in the heavens heading towards its setting place, I felt great peace. There was no terror, nor intrusion over being watched. It was an eye that was steady for the truth, and I needed that in a day that had been darkened with empty talk. My camera has taught me how important it is to have a steady hand, but these last lights on this day had brought me the message of a steady eye and how important it is to a having a vision.

The steady eye of the Lord watching over me by His goodness informs all the contours upon which His light falls to my great delight. And I want to see through His vision for me. How can I learn to have a steady eye? How can I love with the grace and truth of such a vision? I can know that His eyes are the protection that can never come from any other view of my world. They are the love that is the overflow of all others.

When I thought about a test from His eyelids I tightened up a bit. Tests can bring the pacing anxiety of performance--the desire to get it perfect. And then I thought about what it is that the eyelids do--they blink to keep the eye moist for better clarity of sight. He really wants to see me--at my deepest places--where my heartstrings are tied to the eyes, those open panes to our soul. My life, and how He has made me, is such a fascinating story to Him that the One who is the Storyteller and the Story wouldn't want to miss a piece of mine. And so His beautiful blinking eyelids keep me in focus and help me to see better--not to pass a test, but to learn better how to probe His Truth--the very person of His Son named Jesus. Passing a test is nothing if there is not wisdom that flows from it.

A halo in the sky, around the golden sun setting gave me the glorious message of His steady eye. I may never get to see it again in this way, but the capture here was given to share. May you revel in the Eyes that love you from His holy temple. May your story be His grand devotional for each new dawn and dusk!