Soaring in All Conditions

The warm updrafts of Holy Spirit winds are easily the most gymnastic of places for spiritual soaring. In His surrounding love we may play acrobatically on lofty breezes that reach high into the heavens. A somersault, a looping trajectory, an artistry of wing action--all of these are the characteristics of flight in clear and ample skies. In this pleasant air it is far easier to remember Jesus' lesson for us concerning the birds: "Look at the birds of the air, that they do not sow, nor reap, nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than they?" (Matthew 6:26)

During the calm seasons this is a clarion-call-verse, but what about in the times through the cloud-bank just ahead?

When the birds head into the adversity of unclear skies--the kind with the whipping winds--then they want the strongest flier in the front. They also rotate the leader out of that place on a regular basis, since that is the bird taking the full brunt of the most harsh winds to give the flock a sure direction.

Fellowship in the Spirit is the same as we look to the Lord.  He always takes the first-hit of the wind for us--no blast is too big for Him. First, He holds His Dear Ones instilling new strength into initially frightened and flapping wings. When we enter into the mists of confusion, the storms of adversity, the pelting hail of wounding, the gloom of sadness--He is always there just waiting for our receiving of His tenderlovingkindness. He does not want to see us grounded, and His flight manual is always with us in his Scriptural love letter, and in His tender songs both in the night, and at full noon.

But also our flying mates are given to surround us and to keep us on course. Their prayers are a fragrance that helps us find safe land by the perfume going up to the One who answers prayers. Their exhorting words come as the wisest triage that could only be supernaturally given, knowing just what is needed, and in the best order. How else would they know just what to do to help us stay buoyant except by the One who made flight? The good works come with His Name in love stamped all over them. So often the sweet servants only want us to be sure to see Him in it--like the bird in the front just before retiring to the back.

Tonight I find myself somewhere between full star-burst sunlight, and the dense cloud roll. From this place there is birdsong filling my heart, even in adversity, since the Lover of My Soul has told me to look up and see His mighty markings--their design breathtaking--under whose wings I have come to seek refuge.